Important dates
- Deadline for expression of interest, special session "MIRrors: Looking back to the past of ISMIR to face the future of MIR":
19th December 2011 passed- Tutorials deadline:
12th March 2012 passed- Notification of acceptance for Tutorials:
13th April 2012 passed- Papers/Posters deadline:
13th April 2012 (NB: pdf upload possible until 20th April 2012, 23h59 American Samoa timezone) passed- Music deadline:
14th May 2012 passed- Deadline for MIRrors papers (only for invited authors):
25th May 2012 passed- Notification of acceptance for Papers/Posters:
8th June 2012 passed- Early registration:
8th June 2012 - 23rd July 2012- Deadline for camera-ready papers:
18th June 2012 passed- Notification of acceptance for Music:
4th July 2012- Author registration deadline:
17th August 2012 passed- Printed proceedings request deadline:
17th August 2012 passed- Late-break/demos deadline:
- None (more info here...)
- Notification of acceptance for Late-break/demos:
- None (more info here...)
- Participant registration deadline:
23rd September 2012 passed - Deadline for sending 1-slide in pdf for poster craze (only for poster presenters):
24th September passed- Conference Dates:
- 8th-12th October 2012